Sara’s Page
I am renaming this testimonial page in honor of a beautiful little girl who recently passed away after a bout of pneumonia. When I first met her she was incapable of speech, couldn’t move her limbs in any kind of purposeful manner and couldn’t even swallow her own spit. After much neurofeedback over an eighteen month period she had changed dramatically. When I heard that she had died I asked the question many of us ask in situations like this. “What was the point?” Today when I went to the mail and found the following letter waiting for me I got my answer:
Dear Lynette
Enclosed is a CD of pictures of Sara. I’m sorry it took so long but I just wasn’t ready till now. I miss you so much and expect to have you back to help the other kids soon.
Thank you so much for all you did for Sara. Though Sara and I were always close the last year and a half of her life were the most fun!
She loved saying her new words … she was up to 10 clear words … 12 almost clear… she was pushing her own wheelchair… controlling the paint brush a bit …. pushing the spit tube away when we did it too fast. But most of all the process I learned from you … the way of playing to teach… gave us so much Joy. And I thank you for that!
Love you
Give our love to Dessa Larry still talks about her.
Love you back Alice. You are the most amazing mother of nine adopted special needs kids. I am humbled by you and I am writing it here for everyone to see.
~~I hope you’ll read Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker, a rhyming picture book I wrote in honor of Sara and Alice. Please follow this link for The WingMaker on Amazon.~~
I’m just so excited to be writing you about Jake’s progress. He has come a long ways in his healing journey from the time you started working with him after his stroke in December 2009. At that time the sessions you set up with him with neurofeedback therapy helped him regain his his peripheral eyesight, his confidence, stabilized his emotions, and regain his memory and so much more. To have his life restored on so many levels is really something to jump and sing for joy about and now I must tell you how he is doing since you last saw him April of 2012 . As you remember he told you he wanted help with his anxiety issues and addiction to alcohol . Those three days you did the neurofeedback sessions on him was a remarkable turning point of success and has changed his life in so many positive ways. His brains addiction and desire to drink beer just went away. That is so amazing to me after trying so many other therapies for many years and nothing really helped him. It has now been a year since he drank any alcohol.. WOW we are truly grateful to you and appreciate how your expertise in neuroscience and use of neurofeedback has totally changed his life and healed his brain. As his wife and life long friend I never gave up faith and hope that someday he would overcome his addiction and I am so thankful that you came into our life. God truly answered my prayers and in such a beautiful way. A heart felt thanks to you Lynette and we wish life’s best for you and your family always. Time to jump for joy and sing sing sing a new song for a new man.
We love you
Jake and Relena Preble
When you have a child with special needs, you long for that special kind of therapist to come along who can make a difference in your child’s life in a big way. Lynette is one such therapist, a rare breed. The kind who can reach children on a level most can only dream of. I have recommended Lynette to friends on the same journey and she has never failed to deliver. If only she lived in Australia!Hayley Rikihana (Austrailia)
President and Founder of the Alameda Autism Community Network
I was so happy to hear from my daughter Darline how much better she has been feeling since you last saw her and the progress she is making with her long struggle with Anorexia. As you know during that time back in October of 2012 she had been having a lot of difficulty with her stomach for three months and was diagnosed with Hpylori (Helicobacter pylori) and Cdiff (clostridium difficile) and the long term antibiotics had cause her symptoms of anorexia to worsen. She had lost down to 90 lbs. She couldn’t eat well and was always feeling nauseated.
Her anxiety with the stresses in her life and a unhealthy relationship, and her medical illnesses with the eating disorder had brought her to a place where I was fearing for her life. You will never know how thankful I was that you came to see her for personal counseling on all the above issues and start her on the neurofeedback sessions. It was your therapeutic intervention and neurofeedback I believe that actually has helped to save her life from the destructive path it was on. Thank you so much for your support that stressful day when we all went to her family physician and you offered your insight to him on eating disorders. You are truly a wonderful counselor and your loving approach and guidance in those personal areas of her life has helped her so much. She is now putting on weight, eating so much better, her anxiety and stress is better and she is now in a more healthy relationship and her anorexia is now under better control. My family is the most important part of my life and I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how grateful I am that you and neurofeeback has helped to set her on a path where her body and mind is healing. We could not have done it without you. You are truly a loving blessing that has gifted this family in so many ways, helping us all to live a healthier, happier life.
Much love from us both
President – S.A. Burstein & Associates
Speaker, Author – Life Snacks Books, What’s Your Leadership Image