The weather is changing, family-oriented holidays are around the corner, our atmosphere and environment are charged with an assumption of happiness and supportive gatherings.
Yet for far too many this time of year, infused as it is with manipulative marketing campaigns and shifting weather patterns, can exacerbate or even create exactly the opposite feelings in generally comfortable people.
It can be even far worse for people who struggle at the best of times.
Truth be told, where my promise to clients of free phone calls and emails for life is concerned, this is my busiest time of the year. Also, where emergency appointments for clients and their close friends or family is concerned, again, this is my busiest time.
For those of you who are not my clients (or their close friends and family) and who are without a trustworthy and helpful therapist or counselor to call when things take a shift for the worse, I would like to offer a few tips for finding that perfect counselor. One who will help you not need them but also be available when you require a tune-up.
I suggest:
1) Pick a counselor that believes in firing their clients because they have grown healthy.
2) Go to a counselor for the purpose of becoming healthy, NOT for the purpose of coping or venting or being validated in your suffering.
3) Know that feeling better is better but that you need a little help in understanding how to do that.
4) NEVER see a counselor you do not like.
5) Imagine yourself happy, healthy and enjoying life. Make it believable by putting it in a context that matches you. If you are a waitress, imagine yourself as a happy comfortable waitress; not a movie star.
6) Choose a counselor you can afford.
7) Decide in advance how many sessions you will need. This can be revamped, but without believing in an endpoint you may never choose to be well.
I retired a few years ago from accepting new clients, but if you are struggling and want to reach out for a consult, don’t hesitate to use my contact info. Message me on social media or email me here:
Though I’m not accepting new clients, I always take time to help people.
This season is filled with joy for many.
I’d love for that to be true for you.
We all have a right and the ability to own that joy.
Dr. Lynette Louise, “The Brain Broad”