Tag Archives: music

Welcome to my Brainy Lady blog! This is where I get to take off the doctor’s coat (it's not mine--yet), tie it around my waist and share autism tips, surprising brain science, funny personal stories and painful doctorate program homework complaints… okay, maybe I'll avoid that last one. Regardless, I hope to offer insights and invite the same while enjoying a cup of coffee with the autism, neuroscience, psycophysiology, parenting, spiritual, thinking, comedic, curious community! If that leaves you out, I'm sorry and suggest you try on one of the many hats. One is bound to fit!

Be True To Your Wants

This Mother’s Day grab a hold of it and be true to your wants.

My son takes great pleasure in music. He is asking everyone to play music for their moms or, better yet, buy her her favorite musical and watch as a family. (We watched Grease, though my favorite is actually Moulin Rouge.)

So far my son hasn’t managed to understand that his autism may create different interests than the autism in another. Even more he is challenged to consider any possibility that a person may not dig music at all or see why we all work so hard and don’t just chillax with the tunes a blaring.

He doesn’t mind a dirty house or even living in a tent as we had to do on occasion when he and his siblings were young. Though he does like lots of food, he is okay if it’s only one or two staples delivered in gargantuan amounts. In fact, he doesn’t mind most of what most people mind.

He minds working hard at things he isn’t interested in though. I mind that to.

In this way we are the same.

Do what you love and smell the flower that causes your soul to salivate today.

I am smelling the coffee.

Welcome to my Brainy Lady blog! This is where I get to take off the doctor’s coat (it's not mine--yet), tie it around my waist and share autism tips, surprising brain science, funny personal stories and painful doctorate program homework complaints… okay, maybe I'll avoid that last one. Regardless, I hope to offer insights and invite the same while enjoying a cup of coffee with the autism, neuroscience, psycophysiology, parenting, spiritual, thinking, comedic, curious community! If that leaves you out, I'm sorry and suggest you try on one of the many hats. One is bound to fit!

Let Your Child Use and Choose The Music

Music entrains the brain and, as such, can make a huge difference during a much needed moment, easing the ups and downs of life by reinforcing and then shifting the person’s emotional state. So let it roll!

And while rolling, note that…

If your child plays the same song repeatedly it may be a great indicator of whether they need stimulation or calming.

So let your child choose the song, but don’t then walk away. Instead, seek alternative means of creating a similar effect in order that they might have more opportunity to grow instead become music dependent.

Example: seekers of music with slow, low, bass-like sounds, chants and oms, could find the ocean beach comforting but not enjoy the lake. Pay attention, discover similar song sounds together, help them help themselves while using music to shift states. The music of songs and the music of your environment.

Additionally, music can be used to modify monotone speech. Which, in turn, can help modify moods.

When I am helping a child who has no vocal control, especially if they speak loudly more ‘at’ than ‘with’ me, I suggest they put music in their voice.

I then model speaking in a singing voice, and we practice different types of ‘mood’ speaking.

Then whenever they are speaking ‘at’ someone I simply prompt them with: “Remember to put music in your voice.”

I have many adorable, wonderful, hilarious, tender memories of many adorable, wonderful, hilarious, tender children with monotone speech as they put a song in their voice in uniquely varied ways!

Please, instead of speaking loudly back, join me in the creation of this wonderful choir of souls!

That’s the music I choose.

Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”)